The land bestows its magnificent wood, and we, in turn, craft timepieces that ground and connect us to the preciousness of the present moment.

  • Fallen.

    Koa trees, endemic to the Hawaiian Islands, are known for their impressive longevity, often living for several centuries. These majestic trees can thrive for up to 500 years or more under favorable conditions. However, their lifespan can vary depending on factors such as climate, soil quality, and human interference. Unfortunately, some koa trees meet their demise due to invasive species, habitat destruction, or diseases. As they age, these trees can become more susceptible to falling, and strong winds, heavy rains, or even natural decay may eventually cause them to topple. Despite their long and storied lives, koa trees remain a vulnerable and treasured species in Hawaii's unique ecosystem.

  • Harvested.

    Our company has established a relationship with private Koa tree land owners on Hawaii Island and have created a sustainable and eco-conscious approach to sourcing materials for our products. In an effort to minimize environmental impact, our company has adopted a unique practice of harvesting fallen Koa trees. This involves carefully sourced fallen trees, often due to natural causes such as storms or age, instead of poaching trees. By doing this, we prioritize preserving the health of the Hawaiian forest and are encouraging new growth so future generations can enjoy this natural wonder and beauty.

  • Repurposed.

    As we repurpose these fallen trees into wearable timepieces, the land becomes a part of us. Our mission is to preserve the integrity of Hawaii's forests and create a meaningful connection between us and the natural heritage of the islands. Each watch is unique just like each living tree it came from. No two pieces are alike and the authenticity of each watch connects us to the natural beauty of the land that created such an incredible and durable material. Although the trees have fallen, each tree’s life lives on as its carried around with us and keeps us grounded and connected to what really matters. Time.